December 26, 2009

Life is wonderful.


It is just so beautiful being at home again. I don't know how I ever left this place. I don't know how I'll ever return to SoCal. Being back at New Life seriously feels like a warm hug around my heart. Familiar faces, comforting worship, encountering the power of God unlike anything I've found at school. Being here at home is a breath of fresh air, literally and metaphorically. The crisp, cool air is revitalizing and rejuvenating.

But I know that God is calling me to a life that lives contentedly wherever I am.

So I need to get out of this comfort-seeking mindset and into one that's up for whatever God is leading me to do. The lifestyle I have chosen, trusting God with every part of my life, is the most exciting and epic lifestyle I could possibly live. He calls me to do crazy and exciting things even though I might be terrified to do them. All that matters is that I stir up the courage it requires. God has me where I am right now for a reason and I should just go at it no matter how hopeless it seems from my perspective.

Here's something for the Beatles lovers.

This is a lovely song by The Civil Wars.

December 19, 2009


This is what I am doing with my Christmas break besides meeting with missed loved ones and drinking insane amounts of peppermint hot chocolate, caramel apple cider, and eggnog.

December 18, 2009

Little ditty.

It is finally hitting me that I am going home tomorrow. Home. To Christmas. To snow. To people who love me.

The view from my home town makes my heart skip a beat. I've been having fun out here, but it's time to go back.

So, enjoy this clip from Friends.

And while you're at it, butt-faced miscreant is calling your name.

Here's a favorite wedding picture I found on A Cup of Jo. Love that he's wearing a vest.

Oh, and this one is adorable, too, from Le Love.

I stumbled upon this portrait of the great James Stewart. I fall for him again and again every Christmas season watching It's a Wonderful Life.

I found out Notorious by Alfred Hitchcock made EW's 25 Sexiest Movies Ever list. Thank goodness some people haven't lost good taste in movies.

Good evening.

December 17, 2009


Life is crazy.

It pulls you back and forth, forwards and backwards, and all the while your mind is trying to make sense of it all, but the reality is that we are extremely limited in our points of view, and we rarely know what God has in mind as He orchestrates the whole thing.

The only thing I can do is cling to Him.

December 15, 2009

December 14, 2009




A simple blazer with a rolled sleeve and shorts and tights. Add a charming necklace for a finishing touch.

Thanks to A Cup of Jo for this one.

December 12, 2009

The Girl (#4)

This may sound familiar for the Glee fans. The original, thank you very much!

December 11, 2009

Got another one.

Perfect weather for it today, too. Can't wait until I go home to this:

December 10, 2009

Airports = adventure.

I associate airports with happy feelings and memories. Especially during the holiday season, airports mean long-awaited hugs, shaking off the hot weather for some joyous snow, and comfort. The stories you experience while traveling are always amusing and shareable. Last time I was flying I sat right in front of this kid who continually kicked my chair the entire time. I had heard of stories about annoying kids on flights before, so I couldn't help but laugh at my pathetic situation. What I couldn't believe is that the parents who were sitting right next to him would not tell him to stop. This guy I was sitting near gave me a sympathetic smile, but I knew he was thinking "better she than I" thoughts. I love these interactions between perfect strangers.

I also enjoy the sense of independence and freedom at airports. I could literally go anywhere from here.



Not to mention the fashions spotted at the airport. Comfortable, yet sweet and simple. Plus, cardigans are a must for flying because you can never be sure what the temperature will be like in those pressurized cabins or what the weather will be like at your destination. I love any excuse to wear cardigans and layers!


December 8, 2009


I just found out that today is the anniversary of his death. And I do realize that I'm hardly even that old, but I still like him, even though I don't completely agree with what he stood for. He was funny and quirky and bold and beautiful in his own way. I do like this song and it seems 'fitting' for this time of year.

Reporter: George, what do you miss most about John Lennon?
George: John Lennon.




December 7, 2009

Tis raining.

I didn't look outside when I woke up this morning.
So I unexpectedly walked outside into the rain.
It was fun.
But now I'm cold and wet.
So I bundled up in layers of sweaters and scarves.
I'm toasty warm now.


December 5, 2009

The Girl (#3)

I like the song by She & Him. The whole soundtrack for (500) Days of Summer was sweet.

December 4, 2009

James 1:27

"Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep them from being polluted by the world."

December 3, 2009

I miss this. A lot.

To snuggle up next to the fire with a blanket, my cat, and Charles Dickens' A Christmas Carol sounds divine.

December 1, 2009


new pajama pants from a dear friend.


glorious clouds.

year without a santa.

newspaper ink stains.


student awakening.


November 29, 2009

The Girl (#2)

I don't care what you think about Jesus Culture or Bethel. This is a sweet song.

November 25, 2009

Home sweet home.

Some things have changed. Some haven't. I keep on reminding myself that it's only been three months. Yet I feel like a different person. My own person. Making my own decisions. Deciding to follow Christ. No matter the cost. No matter the thoughts.

Am I really only 18? I feel older. I even creak and pop like a senior citizen.

My whole life is in front of me. I can go anywhere. Do anything. God has left my future wide open knowing that I trust Him to fill it with unimaginable adventures. And He knows that I like this feeling. This feeling of thrilling uncertainty and possibility that the future holds.

Maybe He'll lead me to IHOPU.

November 21, 2009

The Best of Christmas. To: You From: Me

As Fred Astaire would say, "The Christmas season is upon us, and isn't it jolly and wonderful!"

The first part of the holiday season that I consider to be one of my favorite parts is Thanksgiving. I know that it technically isn't a part of the Christmas season but, let's face it, it's becoming so what with the Christmas commercials coming on TV long before the turkey is cut. My family and I still hold to the tradition of holding off to decorate until the day after Thanksgiving. This truly commences the joy of Christmas time because, usually, the whole family (yeah, all 4 of us) is together. My dad handles the tree, my mom and sister, the ornaments, and I put up the little snow town above the fireplace while listening to Frank Sinatra and Nat King Cole and, if the moment just happens to be perfect, it spontaneously begins to snow outside. But, alas, Colorado weather is rather unpredictable so if this ever happens it is quite a gift.

The other day I watched the newest episode of Grey's Anatomy. I am slowly but surely becoming quite smitten with whoever selects the music for each episode because each episode lately has my new favorite song included. This last episode was holiday themed and, of course, the song All I Want For Christmas (Is To Give My Love Away) by The Rescues is highlighted. Hands down my favorite Christmas song of the year. But, the classics never get old. My Christmas albums consist of A Charlie Brown Christmas, Noel by Josh Groban, The Trans-Siberian Orchestra, Home for Christmas by Amy Grant (I know, I know, but it's a tradition), A Jolly Christmas by Frank Sinatra, and the Now That's What I Call Christmas classics including some single favorites: Happy Xmas (War Is Over) by John & Yoko and The Plastic Ono Band, Wonderful Christmastime by Paul McCartney, and White Christmas by Bing Crosby.

"Blast this Christmas music. It's joyful and triumphant." The Grinch

Another little ditty that I adore about Christmas is pumpkin pie. From October to January, pumpkin pie is plentiful at every restaurant and kitchen in America, especially mine! Every year, my birthday lands near Thanksgiving so I opt for a pumpkin pie birthday cake rather than the classic white or chocolate. You would think I would grow tired of pie and whipped cream after Christmas, but I don't!

One thing I haven't had the chance to make a tradition, but did once and fell in love with, is visit downtown Denver to see the decorations and go shopping at the 16th Street Mall. This is the epitome of superficial Christmas time, which I don't think is the high point of Christmas but we can't escape it either...

"Oh. Bleeding hearts of the world UNITE." The Grinch

The main event for me each Christmas season is piling the family (once again, all four of us) into the jeep and going to the Christmas Eve service at church. All the hulabaloo is silenced for a few quiet moments of worship and awe, but we still party over the amazing Gift God has given us. I am just now realizing how much I love this because I dearly miss my church back home and can't wait to return over break(s)!

But, for now, I’m stuck in SoCal, listening to the Beach Boys’ Little St. Nick while pondering the sight of snowy Christmas decorations beside tropical palm trees. Seriously, that’s something I’m not used to witnessing and I’m thinking it won’t be something that grows on me either. If I am stubborn about anything it’s the sanctity of a white Christmas.

"I will honor Christmas in my heart, and try to keep it all the year." Charles Dickens

As they say in the UK, Happy Christmas, everyone!

November 20, 2009

Christmas Time is Here.

This is a cute one. I want to try to "surf" someone like that.

Check out these shops in SoCal.

Before coming to Southern California, I told myself I wouldn't be doing much shopping because I thought it would be far too expensive for a simple Coloradan girl. Wrong. I found multiple places with great deals. Small, one-of-a-kind places taking after Forever 21 can be found all over LA with the latest clothing styles. But clothes aren't all. I've stumbled across a few other great stores that are quite a find for someone from out of state!

Melrose Vintage is a vintage clothing joint complete with a plethora of plaid shirts and peacoats.

Trader Joe's was probably one of my favorite discoveries. Not so much a discovery for those who have lived in California for a while, but I just can't get over how awesome this place is!

Lovell's is a genuine record store complete with used CD's, DVD's, posters, and, of course, records.

I'm loving discovering these awesome shops out here in Cali. Can't wait for the next adventure!

Something from the past.

Not many people appreciate the culture and deals Cost Plus World Market brings to our lives as much as I do!

Moving from Colorado to California has provided quite the culture shift for me to adjust to. The little things in my life are what keep me from getting too homesick for the mountains and snow.

Back home, I would often visit the nearest World Market with my dear friends and we would ooh and aah over our favorite scarves, mugs, and jewelry. We would fantasize of the day when we would be able to afford decorating our apartments or flats with the stylish furniture and plush rugs. This became a favorite pass-time and the memories we created still give me warm-fuzzy feelings inside!

Recently, I finally had the time to search for a World Market off my new GPS and invite an experience from home to join me in Southern California. Walking into the homey warehouse made me feel exhilirated and encouraged. I thoroughly examined all the jewelry, pillows, and pictures and worked my way over to the foreign food section. I had to contain my squeal of joy when I saw the familiar boxes of PG Tips (my favorite brand of black tea)! I walked away with a breath of fresh memory and a new scarf and earings to remember them by.

Here are some random treasures they stock.

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