November 20, 2009

Something from the past.

Not many people appreciate the culture and deals Cost Plus World Market brings to our lives as much as I do!

Moving from Colorado to California has provided quite the culture shift for me to adjust to. The little things in my life are what keep me from getting too homesick for the mountains and snow.

Back home, I would often visit the nearest World Market with my dear friends and we would ooh and aah over our favorite scarves, mugs, and jewelry. We would fantasize of the day when we would be able to afford decorating our apartments or flats with the stylish furniture and plush rugs. This became a favorite pass-time and the memories we created still give me warm-fuzzy feelings inside!

Recently, I finally had the time to search for a World Market off my new GPS and invite an experience from home to join me in Southern California. Walking into the homey warehouse made me feel exhilirated and encouraged. I thoroughly examined all the jewelry, pillows, and pictures and worked my way over to the foreign food section. I had to contain my squeal of joy when I saw the familiar boxes of PG Tips (my favorite brand of black tea)! I walked away with a breath of fresh memory and a new scarf and earings to remember them by.

Here are some random treasures they stock.

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