February 28, 2011


This is the way to go if you must go vegan (which I have not, by the way).

1-2. The Veggie Grill in Irvine, California.
3-5. A delightful breakfast consisting of the best vegan pancakes in the world and beautiful fresh fruit.

February 24, 2011

Things I like today.

//Pair this jacket with these boots and I'd look like a Brit from the countryside.

//Those Kiwis are so clever.

//They're just so cool.

//Sweet tat.

//Free* Typography. I could browse this for hours.

February 17, 2011


This is what God is doing right now. This is His heart for the nations. This is the movement.

February 14, 2011

Happy day of love.

It goes so much deeper than just romance. Give compliments. Listen. Smile. Think the best of people. Truly love everyone around you today.

February 12, 2011


Sending some weekend smiles and California sunshine to the rest of the nation.
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