December 26, 2009

Life is wonderful.


It is just so beautiful being at home again. I don't know how I ever left this place. I don't know how I'll ever return to SoCal. Being back at New Life seriously feels like a warm hug around my heart. Familiar faces, comforting worship, encountering the power of God unlike anything I've found at school. Being here at home is a breath of fresh air, literally and metaphorically. The crisp, cool air is revitalizing and rejuvenating.

But I know that God is calling me to a life that lives contentedly wherever I am.

So I need to get out of this comfort-seeking mindset and into one that's up for whatever God is leading me to do. The lifestyle I have chosen, trusting God with every part of my life, is the most exciting and epic lifestyle I could possibly live. He calls me to do crazy and exciting things even though I might be terrified to do them. All that matters is that I stir up the courage it requires. God has me where I am right now for a reason and I should just go at it no matter how hopeless it seems from my perspective.

Here's something for the Beatles lovers.

This is a lovely song by The Civil Wars.

December 19, 2009


This is what I am doing with my Christmas break besides meeting with missed loved ones and drinking insane amounts of peppermint hot chocolate, caramel apple cider, and eggnog.

December 18, 2009

Little ditty.

It is finally hitting me that I am going home tomorrow. Home. To Christmas. To snow. To people who love me.

The view from my home town makes my heart skip a beat. I've been having fun out here, but it's time to go back.

So, enjoy this clip from Friends.

And while you're at it, butt-faced miscreant is calling your name.

Here's a favorite wedding picture I found on A Cup of Jo. Love that he's wearing a vest.

Oh, and this one is adorable, too, from Le Love.

I stumbled upon this portrait of the great James Stewart. I fall for him again and again every Christmas season watching It's a Wonderful Life.

I found out Notorious by Alfred Hitchcock made EW's 25 Sexiest Movies Ever list. Thank goodness some people haven't lost good taste in movies.

Good evening.

December 17, 2009


Life is crazy.

It pulls you back and forth, forwards and backwards, and all the while your mind is trying to make sense of it all, but the reality is that we are extremely limited in our points of view, and we rarely know what God has in mind as He orchestrates the whole thing.

The only thing I can do is cling to Him.

December 15, 2009

December 14, 2009




A simple blazer with a rolled sleeve and shorts and tights. Add a charming necklace for a finishing touch.

Thanks to A Cup of Jo for this one.

December 12, 2009

The Girl (#4)

This may sound familiar for the Glee fans. The original, thank you very much!

December 11, 2009

Got another one.

Perfect weather for it today, too. Can't wait until I go home to this:

December 10, 2009

Airports = adventure.

I associate airports with happy feelings and memories. Especially during the holiday season, airports mean long-awaited hugs, shaking off the hot weather for some joyous snow, and comfort. The stories you experience while traveling are always amusing and shareable. Last time I was flying I sat right in front of this kid who continually kicked my chair the entire time. I had heard of stories about annoying kids on flights before, so I couldn't help but laugh at my pathetic situation. What I couldn't believe is that the parents who were sitting right next to him would not tell him to stop. This guy I was sitting near gave me a sympathetic smile, but I knew he was thinking "better she than I" thoughts. I love these interactions between perfect strangers.

I also enjoy the sense of independence and freedom at airports. I could literally go anywhere from here.



Not to mention the fashions spotted at the airport. Comfortable, yet sweet and simple. Plus, cardigans are a must for flying because you can never be sure what the temperature will be like in those pressurized cabins or what the weather will be like at your destination. I love any excuse to wear cardigans and layers!


December 8, 2009


I just found out that today is the anniversary of his death. And I do realize that I'm hardly even that old, but I still like him, even though I don't completely agree with what he stood for. He was funny and quirky and bold and beautiful in his own way. I do like this song and it seems 'fitting' for this time of year.

Reporter: George, what do you miss most about John Lennon?
George: John Lennon.




December 7, 2009

Tis raining.

I didn't look outside when I woke up this morning.
So I unexpectedly walked outside into the rain.
It was fun.
But now I'm cold and wet.
So I bundled up in layers of sweaters and scarves.
I'm toasty warm now.


December 5, 2009

The Girl (#3)

I like the song by She & Him. The whole soundtrack for (500) Days of Summer was sweet.

December 4, 2009

James 1:27

"Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep them from being polluted by the world."

December 3, 2009

I miss this. A lot.

To snuggle up next to the fire with a blanket, my cat, and Charles Dickens' A Christmas Carol sounds divine.

December 1, 2009


new pajama pants from a dear friend.


glorious clouds.

year without a santa.

newspaper ink stains.


student awakening.

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