June 27, 2010


Have you ever heard of this guy? If ever you need a hero to look up to, he would be it. Any of the Moravians would fit the bill. He started a 100 year long prayer meeting in Herrnhut, Germany, and saw God move in revival simply because of his obedience to seek the face of God. Count Zinzendorf is my hero, along with William Wilberforce, but he's a different story.

June 22, 2010

Here is a FREE and POWERFUL worship song. Gettit.

June 16, 2010


But if I wait for a holiday could it stop my fear?
To go away on a summer's day never seemed so clear.

Vampire Weekend

June 12, 2010

Complementing images.

The top one reminds me of today's weather in Colorado: wrapped inside the fog. I kinda like it.

Inspires me to go and do.

Pristine example.

Does anybody know how to post photos larger?
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